1. What do NGOs do?

NGOs operate and organize for any of the following purposes:

    1. Social welfare, such as human rights, sexual abuse victims, child labor, prostitution, juvenile crimes, counseling
    2. Charity, such as orphanages, basic services for/distribution of food, clothing, or medicine to the poor, housing, disaster relief services
    3. Education, such as scholarships, journalism workshops, school materials
    4. Environment, such as the restoration or conservation of nature, animal rights
    5. Health, such as hygiene, vaccinations, medicine, waste disposal, drug addiction recovery


2. Is Alert an international Organisation?

Alert is not an international Organisation .Since 2004, the organisation has been working in partnership with local communities  on rights and entitlements, sustainable livelihood, participatory governance etc,.  Since January 2016, with the  support of BftW (International Organisation).

3. What is the the mission of the Organisation? 

To awaken, sensitize, organize and  mobilize the Adivasi communities for Self-governance, Self-reliance and Sustainable environment and development.

4. The problem is huge! Will my small contribution make a difference?

It most certainly does. A small amount goes a long way. Taken together, it is these seemingly small contributions that collectively add up to a large amount needed to effect change. There are people all over who are concerned about the under privileged people and who want to do something to change it. However, their own commitments and pressures do not allow them to go out and directly work with the poor . Alert provides them the opportunity to help in whatever way they can. When everybody comes together and pitches in, no task is impossible.Every individual’s contribution is important.

5. What is the difference between NGOs and NPOs ?

Most NGOs are non-stock, nonprofit organizations, so most people use the two terms interchangeably. Technically, however, not all NGOs are NPOs, and not all NPOs are NGOs.

An NGO (nongovernmental organization) can actually either be nonprofit or for-profit entities.

On the other hand, an NPO (nonprofit organization) is not a profit-making entity. It can’t simply make a profit and distribute it among its members. An NPO does not necessarily mean ‘charitable’ either.

6. Is it safe to give my credit/debit card details online?

Absolutely. We adopt stringent security measures to ensure that critically sensitive information, such as your personal information and your credit/debit card details, are protected. These measures include the following:

  • All your personal information is encrypted before it is transmitted over the Internet. This guarantees that your information is inaccessible to any third party.
  • We use industry-standard SSL (Standard Sockets Layer) Encryption Technology for data encryption.