Child Interventions

The interventions and progress made on child rights and other concerns:

Awareness and education:

1.Organized meetings and awareness/sensitization programmes for parents, community leaders, on child rights and protection laws.

2.Conducted awareness campaigns in villages and schools on sickle cell anemia and documented all information on the subject for selective interventions in the near feature.

3.Developed and distributed child-friendly materials on child rights in local languages.

Protection mechanisms:

    1.Strengthening child protection committees (CPCs) at the village level for identifying and addressing the child rights violations are yielding results.

    2.Working with law enforcement agencies to ensure the effective investigation and prosecution of child rights violations, follow up on POCSO cases and relief measures.

    Support services:

    1.Provided access to quality education to Koya tribal children promoted nutri gardens in R&R colonies. Further, healthcare initiatives where undertaken for children in partnership with Vitamin Angels.

    2.Organized recreational activities, sports and games for children.

    Community engagement:

    1.Mobilized community members to form child protection groups and volunteer for child rights initiatives.

    2.Promoted positive parenting practices that nurture a happy childhood and discourage harmful traditional practices.

    3.Working with religious leaders, influencers and promoting child rights messages within the adivasi communities.

    Considering the specific needs of scheduled areas:

    1.Supported tribal communities to develop culturally appropriate child rights promotion and protection strategies.

    2.Addressed issues specific to scheduled areas, such as malnutrition, lack of access to education, child abuse, child labor, etc.,

    3.Monitoring to ensure that child protection services are delivered in a way that is sensitive to the cultural context of tribal communities.

    ALERT, in Partnership With Adivasi Mahasaba is regularly monitoring the media reported as well as formally and informally reported cases of violence against women, children, Adivasis, Sexual abuse, Violation of all forms of rights enshrined under the affirmative legislations and are being followed up.

    Further, for over three years ALERT in partnership with LITDS is supporting for the promotion of Koya Basha among Koya Adivasi community.  Supported five teachers to orient the Koya and gothi Koya Children on Arts, Paintings, Cultural festivals etc.

    Further, supported in installing community security solar lights in all remote Koya, gothikoya and KondaReddi Villages besides supplying solar lanterns as well as mini solar lights.

     Recently, started addressing on localized community adaptation, mitigation and resilience measures through FPO’s in the areas of forestry, horticulture, fisheries, value added services, etc. ALERT has also introduced avenue plantation, backyard poultry, nutri gardens and started promoting the concept of eco-tourism, regenerative agriculture, aquaculture, food forest, natural farming, shade crops under cashew plantation, besides a few value added service in the scheduled areas of ASR and Eluru Districts.