R&R G.Os

S.noG.O.NoDateSubjectView / Download
1G.O.Rt.No.20518-03-2019Establishment of 5 R and R units modification to the HoA for drawal of pay and allowance of Rtd.,employees and remuneration of the outsourced persons.Click here
2G.O.Rt.No.12816-02-2019WRD, PIP (R and R) – Providing additionalfinancialassistance Rs.75,000/- to each house
for all the sanctioned to the Scheduled Tribes under PIP for the year 2019-20 – Orders – Issued
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3G.O.Rt.No.12716-02-2019Providing AdditionalFinancial Assistance for Rs.50000 to each house for all the houses sanctioned to the SC under PIPClick here
4G.O.Rt.No.23012-02-2019Budget Estimates 2018-19-Budget release Order for Rs. 8,87,000/ – to R and R Commissionerate – Orders – ssuedClick here
5G.O.Ms.No.52522-10-2018Land Acquisition – RFCT LARR Act, 2013 and AP RFCTLARR Rules, 2014-Allocation of 3
percent out of 10 percent Administrative cost to CCLA and Commissioner, R and R i.e., eouallv to both the Head of Denartments 1.5 nercent each – Orders-Issued
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6G.O.Rt.No.65824-09-2018WRD – Office of the Commissioner,R and R – Establ shment – Further continuat ion of 13 Outsourcing I Contract basis posts up to 31.07.2019 – Permission accorded – Orders – IssuedClick here
7G.O.Ms.No.48224-09-2018The Andhra Pradesh Goods and Seivices Tax Act, 20 17 (Act No.16 of 2017)Click here
8G.O.Rt.No.6904-09-2018Water Resources Department-Sanction of one time gratuitous relief under R and R package for an amount of Rs.146.295 croresClick here
9G.O.Ms.No.12831-07-2017Public Seivices-Exemptionfrom obtaining Advanced Stamped Receipts and Stamped Aquittance in respect of all the on-line payn1ents and credited to the beneficiaries bank accounts – Order – IssuedClick here
10Proceeding 317-03-2017RR Scheme Approved by the Commissioner RR Re no 120214 20 16 B CRR 2016 East GodavariClick here
11G.O.Rt.No.414-01-2017WRD Sanction of one time gratuitous reliefClick here
12G.O.Rt.No.19714-10-2016Contract and Outsourced personnel-Payment of remuneration on first of the month – Relaxation of Treasury control -Reg.Click here
13G.O.Rt.No.64114-09-2016WRD – R and R – mplementing cost of construction of houses to the PDFs under R and R
package both in Ruraland Urban areas in the entire State of AP under RFCT LARR Act, 2013 – Order – Issued
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14Null30-08-2016Proceeding RC NO 1185 CRR A 2015 RR scheme approved by the Commissioner RRClick here
1515108-08-2016Enhancement of RemunerationClick here
16G.O.Ms.No.25921-06-2016Lands-Resumption of assignedlands whenever required for a public purpose as per
conditions of patta and payment of compensation for the resumed assignedlands on par
with patta lands as per RFCT LARR Act, 20 13 or any other Land Acquisition Act in force in
the State
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17G.O.Ms.No.6216-04-2016Financial Management – Schedule for Presentation of bills under various programmes and Schemes – Updated Orders-issuedClick here
18G.O.Ms.No.1629-01-2015Land Acquisition The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Ae11uisition
Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act 20 13 The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acc1uisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Amendment Ordinance, 2014 No.9 of 2014 Notifications OA
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19G.O.Ms.No.102-01-2015Appointment of Joint Collector as Project Administrator for R and RClick here
20G.O.Ms.No.38920-11-2014The Right to Fair Compensation and Transparency in Land Acc1uisition Rehabilitation and
Resettlement Act 20 13 No. 30 of 2013 Andhra Pradesh Right to Fair Compensation and Transnarencv in Land Acouisition Rehabilitation and Resettlement Rules 2014
Click here
21LARR Act 201327-09-2013RFCTLARR Act 2013Click here
22G.O.Ms.No.603-08-2012Bills-Fixation of schedule for presentation of bills andissue of chec1ues relat ng to works programmes / schemes etc.,at Pay and Accounts Offices – Modification Orders – issuedClick here
234330-06-2012371 Habitations G.Os’Click here
24G.O.Ms.No.2102-07-2011Housing Department – APSHCL-Sanction of houses to all PDFs under Jalayagnam in the State – Orders – issuedClick here
2524327-03-2010Land Acquisition Payment of ex-gratia to various categories of encroachers/ enjoyers of the Government la nds rec1uired for rrigation Projects Orders – ssued.Click here
26G.O.Ms.No.24327-03-2010Land Acquisition Payment of ex-gratia to various categories of encroachers enjoyers of the Government lands rec1uired for rrigation ProjectsClick here
27G.O.Ms.No.10124-08-2009Amendment for policyClick here
28G.O.Ms.No.313-03-2008Works AccountsClick here
29G.O.Ms.No.6808-04-2005Irrigation and CAD Department Rehabilitation and Resettlement Policy of Government of Andhra PradeshClick here
30G.O.Ms.No.13530-11-2004Land Acquisition rrigation Projects/Schemes Resumption of Government assignedlands/ required for rrigation Projects Comprehensive orders on payment of ex- gratia to the assionees/allottees when rest11ned tor irrination ProiectsClick here
31G.O.Ms.No.14821-10-2000Administrative Reforms – Delegation of FinancialPowers to Head of Department, Regional
Officers and District Officers and Unit Officers in respect of certain commonitems of expenditure – Enhancement of Financial Powers on certain common items of expenditure – Orders – Issued
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32G.O.Ms.No.43118-06-1998Constitution of state level Negotiation committee for payment of compensation and total benefits under A.P.Land Acc1uisition (State level negotiation committee) rules 1998Click here